If you are an attorney, you have probably heard about Avvo. Avvo is an online directory website for attorneys and law firms where potential clients can go to find an attorney to match their needs. Avvo uses a complex algorithm to pair attorneys with potential clients by using a rating system. The higher your Avvo rating, the more often your law firm will be recommended.

Avvo is a great resource for potential law clients looking for attorneys. They can easily find an attorney that meets their specific needs for the situation and choose a good fit for them. Avvo is also an excellent resource for attorneys because it allows them to review their effectiveness with the audience of potential clients they would like to work with.

So, how do you get a higher Avvo rating?

There are some simple steps you can take to increase your Avvo rating.

1. Claim your profile.

In order to begin to be ranked with a number, you need to claim the profile for your law firm. Even though this step is easy, it is critical if you want to increase your Avvo ranking.

2. Complete your profile.

Completing your Avvo profile is another easy step you can take to increase your Avvo placement. In order for Avvo to recommend you, they need to know all the information about your law firm. Fill in every blank in your profile. Also, you need a professional and clear profile picture. If you need photography for attorneys, we’ve got you covered.

3. Answer questions.

Take a few minutes to answer questions posted on Avvo. These questions come directly from potential clients in your area, so the time you take to answer them are worthwhile for increasing brand awareness for your law firm. Plus, answering questions will increase your Avvo rating, so it is a win-win.

4. Utilize endorsements.

Endorsements are an easy way to climb the Avvo rankings ladder. It’s easy. You just find attorneys that you know and endorse them for the services they provide. Oftentimes, they will return the favor and endorse you, too. A good strategy is to find attorneys to endorse that specialize in areas outside of your practice.

5. Get client testimonials

You have just provided stellar service to a client who wants to shout your praises from the rooftops. But where do you send them to sing your praises? Avvo, of course. Client testimonials will increase your rating and help you garner trust with laypeople. While attorney-to-attorney endorsements are an easy exchange within Avvo, you must gather law client testimonials on your own.

6. List the cases you win

Activity increases your Avvo rating, so the more activity, the better. It isn’t enough to list the cases you’ve won when you set up your profile. You need to continually update your profile with the cases you’ve won. Avvo will reward you for winning cases and staying active.

7. Write articles

Speaking of activity, write some articles for Avvo. Regularly writing articles will keep your profile current and will keep your name in front of prospective clients. If content creation for attorneys is taking too much time, we can help keep your Avvo profile current with fresh articles.

8. Think outside the Avvo

There are many opportunities to highlight your achievements and successes within Avvo. Have you recently received any awards or certifications that pertain to your work as an attorney? Avvo has a place for that. Are there accomplishments you would like to highlight in your career? Being invited for speaking engagements is a great opportunity to boost your Avvo profile. Are there other directory or review websites where you have an amazing rating? Include them right there on your Avvo profile. Each of these is an opportunity to increase your Avvo rating and boost confidence in your work as an attorney.

9. Include your bar number

Many attorneys overlook this small step when setting up their profile, but Avvo’s algorithm loves information. Submitting your bar number will help Avvo verify your identity and give your Avvo rating a small boost.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that attorneys can increase their Avvo rating. Many of the steps are not difficult to implement, but there is a recurring theme. You need to provide information and post it often if you want a higher Avvo rating. Having a 10/10 Avvo rating can increase your exposure to potential new clients and having a high Avvo rating is a crucial piece to the puzzle of online marketing for attorneys.


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